Short Wave Listeners Delight
Military, government, and civilian Shortwave / HF radio network frequencies

Milsatcom Radio Frequencies

MILSATCOM is being replaced with the MUOS (Mobile User Objective System).


The Navy Advanced Narrowband System (ANS)/Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) is being developed as a replacement to the UFO constellation, with a production award anticipated in 2004. It will provide global SATCOM narrowband (64kpbs and below) connectivity for voice, video and data for U.S. and Allied services. The program is being executed as a multi-phased program. As the lead service for UHF MILSATCOM, the Navy (SPAWAR) has been charged with the acquisition responsibility for MUOS. The first phase, a 21-month Concept Exploration phase, was completed in July 2001. Eight industry teams of commercial and Defense Department contractors studied and recommended system concepts and architectures to meet MUOS requirements. Boeing, Globalstar, ICO/Teledesic, INMARSAT, Orbital Sciences, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Spectrum Astro participated in the evaluation of military and commercial concepts.

The Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) will be a network of DOD-controlled satellites and associated ground facilities providing narrowband BLOS communication services for a worldwide population of mobile and fixed site terminal users. The ground control segment will feature a distributed, government-controlled, precedence and priority based resource management system that will be responsive to the communications requirements of commanders with apportioned resources.

Uplink frequencies are 290 - 320 MHz
Downlink frequencies are 240 - 270 MHz

Varifiable network frequencies are not available as of yet; stay tuned.




MILSATCOM is run by the United States Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing of the USAF.




Launch date/time (UTC)





Block I

1994-02-07, 21:47:01


Titan IV(401)A


Block I

1995-11-06, 05:15:01


Titan IV(401)A


Block II

1999-04-30, 16:30:00


Titan IV(401)B

Launch failure


Block II

2001-02-27, 21:20


Titan IV(401)B


Block II

2002-01-16, 00:30:00


Titan IV(401)B


Block II

2003-04-08, 13:43:00


Titan IV(401)B




MARISAT Satellites

Commercial Services Communications Packages

 L-band Downlink
C-band Downlink
Tracking, Telemetry and Control (TT&C)
1537-1541 MHz
4195-4199 MHz
3945.5/3954.5 MHz

UHF Gapfiller Characteristics

EIRP Wideband Channel
EIRP Narrowband Channels
Receive G/T
UHF Antenna Coverage
28 dBW
23 dBW (each)
-18 dB/K
19 degrees earth coverage

25-kHz Narrowband Channels

Channel Downlink Frequency  Uplink Frequency
A            254.150 307.750
B            257.550 311.150

Gapfiller 500-kHz Wideband Channels

Channel Downlink Frequency (MHz) Uplink Frequency (MHz)
1 248.850 302.450
2 248.875 302.475
3 248.900 302.500
4 248.925 302.525
5 248.950 302.550
6 248.975 302.575
7 249.000 302.600
8 249.025 302.625
9 249.050 302.650
10 249.075 302.675
11 249.100 302.700
12 249.125 302.725
13 249.150 302.750
14 249.175 302.775
15 249.200 302.800
16 249.225 302.825
17 249.250 302.850
18 249.275 302.875
19 249.300 302.900
20 249.325 302.925

Current Information on MARISAT Constellation

Satellite Location Intl Designator SSC Number Launch Date
MARISAT 1 104.7 deg West 1976-017A 08697 Feb 19, 1976
MARISAT 2 178.2 deg West 1976-053A 08882 Jun 9, 1976
MARISAT 3 170.9 deg West 1976-101A 09478 Oct 14, 1976


Fleet Satellite Communications (FLTSATCOM) Satellites

Fleetsatcom operates only 2 of it's original 8 satellites. The system has been replaced by the UFO Satellite system.

Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Frequency Bandplans - Downlinks

Channel 1:Fleet Broadcast Channels

Alpha Bravo Charlie
250.450 250.550 250.650

Channel 2: 500 kHz Wideband Channels

Alpha Bravo Charlie
260.350-260.850 262.450-261.950 262.050-262.550

Channels 3-11: Navy Relay Channels

Channel Alpha Bravo Charlie
3 251.950 252.050 252.150
4 253.650 253.750 253.850
5 255.350 255.450 255.550
6 256.950 257.050 257.150
7 258.450 258.550 258.650
8 265.350 265.450 265.550
9 266.850 266.950 267.050
10 268.250 268.350 268.450
11 269.750 269.850 269.950

Channels 12-23: AFSATCOM Narrowband Channels

Channel Alpha Bravo Charlie
12 243.945 244.045 244.145
13 243.955 244.055 244.155
14 243.960 244.060 244.160
15 243.965 244.065 244.165
16 243.970 244.070 244.170
17 243.975 244.075 244.175
18 243.980 244.080 244.180
19 243.985 244.085 244.185
20 243.990 244.090 244.190
21 243.995 244.095 244.195
22 244.000 244.100 244.200
23 244.010 244.110 244.210

 Current Information on FLTSATCOM Constellation

Satellite (Status) Intl Desig Launch Date Orbital Location Frequency Plan
F7/CONUS (primary) 1986-96A Dec  4, 1986 99.9 deg West Bravo
F8/Atlantic (primary) 1989-77A Sep 25, 1989 22.7 deg West Charlie

Leased Satellite (LEASAT)

Whiskey/X-ray/Yankee/Zulu Frequency Bandplans - Downlinks

Channel 1: Fleet Broadcast Channels

Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu
250.350 250.450 250.550 250.650

Channel 2: 500 kHz Wideband Channels

Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu
263.550-264.050 260.350-260.850 261.450-261.950 262.050-262.550

Channels 3-8: 25-kHz Navy Relay Channels

Channel Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu
3 251.850 251.950 252.050 252.150
4 253.550 253.650 253.750 253.850
5 255.250 255.350 255.450 255.550
6 256.850 256.950 257.050 257.150
7 258.350 258.450 258.550 258.650
8 265.250 265.350 265.450 265.550

Channels 9-13: AFSATCOM Narrowband Channels

Channel Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu
9 243.855 243.955 244.055 244.155
10 243.860 243.960 244.060 244.160
11 243.875 243.975 244.075 244.175
12 243.900 244.000 244.100 244.200
13 243.910 244.010 244.110 244.210

LEASAT Channel Characteristics

Channel Type No. Bandwidth (kHz) EIRP* (dBw) G/T* (dB/K)
Relay 6 25 26 -18
Wideband 1 500 28 -18
Narrowband 5 5 16.5 -18
Fleet Broadcast 1 Onboard Processing 26 -20

*Specific minimum values over the coverage areas for the full service period.

Current Information on Leasat Constellation

Satellite Orbital Location International Designator SSC No. Launch Date
LEASAT F1 Retired 1984-113C 15384 Nov 10, 1985
LEASAT F2 177.3 deg West 1984-093C 15236 Aug 31, 1984
LEASAT F3 105.0 deg West 1985-028C 15643 Apr 12, 1985
LEASAT F4 Failed 1985-076D  ----- Aug 29, 1985
LEASAT F5 71.5 deg East 1990-002B 20410 Jan 9, 1990


Ultra High Frequency Follow On (UFO) Satellites

November/Oscar/Papa/Quebec Frequency Bandplans - Downlinks

Channel No Bandwidth (KHz) November Oscar Papa Quebec
1 25 250.350 250.450 250.550 250.650
2 25 251.850 251.950 252.050 252.150
3 25 253.550 253.650 253.750 253.850
4 25 255.250 255.350 255.450 255.550
5 25 256.850 256.950 257.050 257.150
6 25 258.350 258.450 258.550 258.650
7 25 265.250 265.350 265.450 265.550
8 25 266.750 266.850 266.950 267.050
9 25 268.150 268.250 268.350 268.450
10 25 269.650 269.750 269.850 269.950
11 25 260.375 260.575 260.425 260.625
12 25 260.475 260.675 260.525 260.725
13 25 261.575 262.075 261.625 262.125
14 25 261.675 262.175 261.725 262.225
15 25 261.775 262.275 261.825 262.325
16 25 261.875 262.375 261.925 262.425
17 25 263.575 263.775 263.625 263.825
18 25 263.675 263.875 263.725 263.925
19 5 243.915 243.995 244.075 244.155
20 5 243.925 244.005 244.085 244.165
21 5 243.935 244.015 244.095 244.175
22 5 243.945 244.025 244.105 244.185
23 5 243.955 244.035 244.115 244.195
24 5 243.965 244.045 244.125 244.205
25 5 243.975 244.055 244.135 244.215
26 5 243.985 244.065 244.075 244.225
27 5 248.845 248.975 249.105 249.235
28 5 248.855 248.985 249.115 249.245
29 5 248.865 248.995 249.125 249.255
30 5 248.875 249.005 249.135 249.265
31 5 248.885 249.015 249.145 249.275
32 5 248.895 249.025 249.155 249.285
33 5 248.905 249.035 249.165 249.295
34 5 248.915 249.045 249.175 249.305
35 5 248.925 248.055 249.185 249.315
36 5 248.935 248.065 249.195 249.325
37 5 248.945 248.075 249.205 249.335
38 5 248.955 248.085 249.215 249.345
39 5 248.965 248.095 249.225 249.355
40 5 248.975 248.105 249.235 249.365

Note: Channel 1 is the U.S. Navy multichannel fleet broadcast channel. Channels 2-18 are fleet relay channels.
Channels 19-40 are narrowband AFSATCOM channels.

Current Information on UFO Constellation

SSC No. Intl Desig Name/USA Location ELV Date
22563 1993-15A UFO F1/N/A Failure Atlas I/AC-74 Mar 25, 1993
22787 1993-56A UFO F2/USA 95 71.2 deg East Atlas I/AC-75 Sep 3, 1993
23132 1994-35A UFO F3/USA 104 14.3 deg West Atlas I/AC-76 Jun 24, 1993
23467 1995-03A UFO F4/USA 108 177.6 deg West Atlas II/AC-112 Jan 28, 1993
23589 1995-27A UFO F5/USA 111 72.1 deg East Atlas II/AC-116 May 31, 1993
23696 1995-57A EHF 6/USA 114 105.8 deg West Atlas II/AC-119 Oct 22, 1995
23967 1996-42A EHF 7/USA 127 170.5 deg West Atlas II Jul 25, 1996
1997 EHF 8 100.0 Atlas II
1997 EHF 9 23.0 Atlas II
Spare EHF 10 Ground Spare Atlas II