MILSATCOM is being replaced with the
MUOS (Mobile User Objective System).
The Navy Advanced Narrowband System (ANS)/Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) is being developed as a replacement to the UFO constellation, with a production award anticipated in 2004. It will provide global SATCOM narrowband (64kpbs and below) connectivity for voice, video and data for U.S. and Allied services. The program is being executed as a multi-phased program. As the lead service for UHF MILSATCOM, the Navy (SPAWAR) has been charged with the acquisition responsibility for MUOS. The first phase, a 21-month Concept Exploration phase, was completed in July 2001. Eight industry teams of commercial and Defense Department contractors studied and recommended system concepts and architectures to meet MUOS requirements. Boeing, Globalstar, ICO/Teledesic, INMARSAT, Orbital Sciences, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Spectrum Astro participated in the evaluation of military and commercial concepts.
The Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) will be a network of DOD-controlled satellites and associated ground facilities providing narrowband BLOS communication services for a worldwide population of mobile and fixed site terminal users. The ground control segment will feature a distributed, government-controlled, precedence and priority based resource management system that will be responsive to the communications requirements of commanders with apportioned resources.
Uplink frequencies are 290 - 320 MHz
Downlink frequencies are 240 - 270 MHz
Varifiable network frequencies are not available as of yet; stay tuned.
MILSATCOM is run by the United States Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing of the USAF.
Name |
Block |
Launch date/time (UTC) |
Rocket |
Remarks |
Block I |
1994-02-07, 21:47:01 |
Block I |
1995-11-06, 05:15:01 |
Block II |
1999-04-30, 16:30:00 |
Launch failure |
Block II |
2001-02-27, 21:20 |
Block II |
2002-01-16, 00:30:00 |
Block II |
2003-04-08, 13:43:00 |
MARISAT Satellites
Commercial Services Communications Packages
L-band Downlink C-band Downlink Tracking, Telemetry and Control (TT&C) |
1537-1541 MHz 4195-4199 MHz 3945.5/3954.5 MHz |
UHF Gapfiller Characteristics
EIRP Wideband Channel EIRP Narrowband Channels Receive G/T UHF Antenna Coverage |
28 dBW 23 dBW (each) -18 dB/K 19 degrees earth coverage |
25-kHz Narrowband Channels
Channel Downlink Frequency | Uplink Frequency |
A 254.150 | 307.750 |
B 257.550 | 311.150 |
Gapfiller 500-kHz Wideband Channels
Channel | Downlink Frequency (MHz) | Uplink Frequency (MHz) |
1 | 248.850 | 302.450 |
2 | 248.875 | 302.475 |
3 | 248.900 | 302.500 |
4 | 248.925 | 302.525 |
5 | 248.950 | 302.550 |
6 | 248.975 | 302.575 |
7 | 249.000 | 302.600 |
8 | 249.025 | 302.625 |
9 | 249.050 | 302.650 |
10 | 249.075 | 302.675 |
11 | 249.100 | 302.700 |
12 | 249.125 | 302.725 |
13 | 249.150 | 302.750 |
14 | 249.175 | 302.775 |
15 | 249.200 | 302.800 |
16 | 249.225 | 302.825 |
17 | 249.250 | 302.850 |
18 | 249.275 | 302.875 |
19 | 249.300 | 302.900 |
20 | 249.325 | 302.925 |
Current Information on MARISAT Constellation
Satellite | Location | Intl Designator | SSC Number | Launch Date |
MARISAT 1 | 104.7 deg West | 1976-017A | 08697 | Feb 19, 1976 |
MARISAT 2 | 178.2 deg West | 1976-053A | 08882 | Jun 9, 1976 |
MARISAT 3 | 170.9 deg West | 1976-101A | 09478 | Oct 14, 1976 |
Fleet Satellite Communications (FLTSATCOM)
Fleetsatcom operates only 2 of it's original 8
satellites. The system has been replaced by the UFO Satellite system.
Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Frequency Bandplans - Downlinks
Channel 1:Fleet Broadcast Channels
Alpha | Bravo | Charlie |
250.450 | 250.550 | 250.650 |
Channel 2: 500 kHz Wideband Channels
Alpha | Bravo | Charlie |
260.350-260.850 | 262.450-261.950 | 262.050-262.550 |
Channels 3-11: Navy Relay Channels
Channel | Alpha | Bravo | Charlie |
3 | 251.950 | 252.050 | 252.150 |
4 | 253.650 | 253.750 | 253.850 |
5 | 255.350 | 255.450 | 255.550 |
6 | 256.950 | 257.050 | 257.150 |
7 | 258.450 | 258.550 | 258.650 |
8 | 265.350 | 265.450 | 265.550 |
9 | 266.850 | 266.950 | 267.050 |
10 | 268.250 | 268.350 | 268.450 |
11 | 269.750 | 269.850 | 269.950 |
Channels 12-23: AFSATCOM Narrowband Channels
Channel | Alpha | Bravo | Charlie |
12 | 243.945 | 244.045 | 244.145 |
13 | 243.955 | 244.055 | 244.155 |
14 | 243.960 | 244.060 | 244.160 |
15 | 243.965 | 244.065 | 244.165 |
16 | 243.970 | 244.070 | 244.170 |
17 | 243.975 | 244.075 | 244.175 |
18 | 243.980 | 244.080 | 244.180 |
19 | 243.985 | 244.085 | 244.185 |
20 | 243.990 | 244.090 | 244.190 |
21 | 243.995 | 244.095 | 244.195 |
22 | 244.000 | 244.100 | 244.200 |
23 | 244.010 | 244.110 | 244.210 |
Current Information on FLTSATCOM Constellation
Satellite (Status) | Intl Desig | Launch Date | Orbital Location | Frequency Plan |
F7/CONUS (primary) | 1986-96A | Dec 4, 1986 | 99.9 deg West | Bravo |
F8/Atlantic (primary) | 1989-77A | Sep 25, 1989 | 22.7 deg West | Charlie |
Leased Satellite (LEASAT)
Whiskey/X-ray/Yankee/Zulu Frequency Bandplans - Downlinks
Channel 1: Fleet Broadcast Channels
Whiskey | X-ray | Yankee | Zulu |
250.350 | 250.450 | 250.550 | 250.650 |
Channel 2: 500 kHz Wideband Channels
Whiskey | X-ray | Yankee | Zulu |
263.550-264.050 | 260.350-260.850 | 261.450-261.950 | 262.050-262.550 |
Channels 3-8: 25-kHz Navy Relay Channels
Channel | Whiskey | X-ray | Yankee | Zulu |
3 | 251.850 | 251.950 | 252.050 | 252.150 |
4 | 253.550 | 253.650 | 253.750 | 253.850 |
5 | 255.250 | 255.350 | 255.450 | 255.550 |
6 | 256.850 | 256.950 | 257.050 | 257.150 |
7 | 258.350 | 258.450 | 258.550 | 258.650 |
8 | 265.250 | 265.350 | 265.450 | 265.550 |
Channels 9-13: AFSATCOM Narrowband Channels
Channel | Whiskey | X-ray | Yankee | Zulu |
9 | 243.855 | 243.955 | 244.055 | 244.155 |
10 | 243.860 | 243.960 | 244.060 | 244.160 |
11 | 243.875 | 243.975 | 244.075 | 244.175 |
12 | 243.900 | 244.000 | 244.100 | 244.200 |
13 | 243.910 | 244.010 | 244.110 | 244.210 |
LEASAT Channel Characteristics
Channel Type | No. | Bandwidth (kHz) | EIRP* (dBw) | G/T* (dB/K) |
Relay | 6 | 25 | 26 | -18 |
Wideband | 1 | 500 | 28 | -18 |
Narrowband | 5 | 5 | 16.5 | -18 |
Fleet Broadcast | 1 | Onboard Processing | 26 | -20 |
*Specific minimum values over the coverage areas for the full service period.
Current Information on Leasat Constellation
Satellite | Orbital Location | International Designator | SSC No. | Launch Date |
LEASAT F1 | Retired | 1984-113C | 15384 | Nov 10, 1985 |
LEASAT F2 | 177.3 deg West | 1984-093C | 15236 | Aug 31, 1984 |
LEASAT F3 | 105.0 deg West | 1985-028C | 15643 | Apr 12, 1985 |
LEASAT F4 | Failed | 1985-076D | ----- | Aug 29, 1985 |
LEASAT F5 | 71.5 deg East | 1990-002B | 20410 | Jan 9, 1990 |
Ultra High Frequency Follow On (UFO)
November/Oscar/Papa/Quebec Frequency Bandplans - Downlinks
Channel No | Bandwidth (KHz) | November | Oscar | Papa | Quebec |
1 | 25 | 250.350 | 250.450 | 250.550 | 250.650 |
2 | 25 | 251.850 | 251.950 | 252.050 | 252.150 |
3 | 25 | 253.550 | 253.650 | 253.750 | 253.850 |
4 | 25 | 255.250 | 255.350 | 255.450 | 255.550 |
5 | 25 | 256.850 | 256.950 | 257.050 | 257.150 |
6 | 25 | 258.350 | 258.450 | 258.550 | 258.650 |
7 | 25 | 265.250 | 265.350 | 265.450 | 265.550 |
8 | 25 | 266.750 | 266.850 | 266.950 | 267.050 |
9 | 25 | 268.150 | 268.250 | 268.350 | 268.450 |
10 | 25 | 269.650 | 269.750 | 269.850 | 269.950 |
11 | 25 | 260.375 | 260.575 | 260.425 | 260.625 |
12 | 25 | 260.475 | 260.675 | 260.525 | 260.725 |
13 | 25 | 261.575 | 262.075 | 261.625 | 262.125 |
14 | 25 | 261.675 | 262.175 | 261.725 | 262.225 |
15 | 25 | 261.775 | 262.275 | 261.825 | 262.325 |
16 | 25 | 261.875 | 262.375 | 261.925 | 262.425 |
17 | 25 | 263.575 | 263.775 | 263.625 | 263.825 |
18 | 25 | 263.675 | 263.875 | 263.725 | 263.925 |
19 | 5 | 243.915 | 243.995 | 244.075 | 244.155 |
20 | 5 | 243.925 | 244.005 | 244.085 | 244.165 |
21 | 5 | 243.935 | 244.015 | 244.095 | 244.175 |
22 | 5 | 243.945 | 244.025 | 244.105 | 244.185 |
23 | 5 | 243.955 | 244.035 | 244.115 | 244.195 |
24 | 5 | 243.965 | 244.045 | 244.125 | 244.205 |
25 | 5 | 243.975 | 244.055 | 244.135 | 244.215 |
26 | 5 | 243.985 | 244.065 | 244.075 | 244.225 |
27 | 5 | 248.845 | 248.975 | 249.105 | 249.235 |
28 | 5 | 248.855 | 248.985 | 249.115 | 249.245 |
29 | 5 | 248.865 | 248.995 | 249.125 | 249.255 |
30 | 5 | 248.875 | 249.005 | 249.135 | 249.265 |
31 | 5 | 248.885 | 249.015 | 249.145 | 249.275 |
32 | 5 | 248.895 | 249.025 | 249.155 | 249.285 |
33 | 5 | 248.905 | 249.035 | 249.165 | 249.295 |
34 | 5 | 248.915 | 249.045 | 249.175 | 249.305 |
35 | 5 | 248.925 | 248.055 | 249.185 | 249.315 |
36 | 5 | 248.935 | 248.065 | 249.195 | 249.325 |
37 | 5 | 248.945 | 248.075 | 249.205 | 249.335 |
38 | 5 | 248.955 | 248.085 | 249.215 | 249.345 |
39 | 5 | 248.965 | 248.095 | 249.225 | 249.355 |
40 | 5 | 248.975 | 248.105 | 249.235 | 249.365 |
Note: Channel 1 is the U.S. Navy multichannel fleet broadcast channel.
Channels 2-18 are fleet relay channels.
Channels 19-40 are narrowband AFSATCOM channels.
Current Information on UFO Constellation
SSC No. | Intl Desig | Name/USA | Location | ELV | Date |
22563 | 1993-15A | UFO F1/N/A | Failure | Atlas I/AC-74 | Mar 25, 1993 |
22787 | 1993-56A | UFO F2/USA 95 | 71.2 deg East | Atlas I/AC-75 | Sep 3, 1993 |
23132 | 1994-35A | UFO F3/USA 104 | 14.3 deg West | Atlas I/AC-76 | Jun 24, 1993 |
23467 | 1995-03A | UFO F4/USA 108 | 177.6 deg West | Atlas II/AC-112 | Jan 28, 1993 |
23589 | 1995-27A | UFO F5/USA 111 | 72.1 deg East | Atlas II/AC-116 | May 31, 1993 |
23696 | 1995-57A | EHF 6/USA 114 | 105.8 deg West | Atlas II/AC-119 | Oct 22, 1995 |
23967 | 1996-42A | EHF 7/USA 127 | 170.5 deg West | Atlas II | Jul 25, 1996 |
1997 | EHF 8 | 100.0 | Atlas II | ||
1997 | EHF 9 | 23.0 | Atlas II | ||
Spare | EHF 10 | Ground Spare | Atlas II |