Short Wave Listeners Delight
Military, government, and civilian Shortwave / HF radio network frequencies

MF/HF Maritime frequencies Pacific


| Australia | New Zealand | Pacific |

NAVAREA regions Pacific

You can track some ships online via


Australian waters comprise the SEA AREA A3 - covering a massive 52.8 million sq km - although due to the poor systems maintained throughout the smaller nations of the pacific - Australia's response system voluntarily extends to the outer pacific areas, often past the Solomon Islands, for example. 

There are three government run HF Australian maritime networks:

- GMDSS DSC network operated by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
(Used mainly by SOLAS or large vessels >300 tonnes);

- National Coastal Radio network Operated by the individual states (& NT).
(For voice only equipped vessels: non-SOLAS, non-GMDSS DSC);

- Marine Weather network broadcast via the GMDSS transmitter sites.

Additionally there is a privately run SailMail service, providing HF email services.

GMDSS DSC Network - Australian Maritime Safety Authority (ASMA)

The Australian Federal Government provides a Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) and maintains watch on GMDSS DSC emergency frequencies, Inmarsat, and Cospas-Sarsat distress beacons.
ASMA also provides Inmarsat SafetyNET weather broadcasts, AUSREP, and emergency phone patch facilities.

There are two TX/RX sites for the ASMA located in Wiluna (Western Australia) and Charleville (Queensland). These are controlled remotely from Canberra at the RCC (callsign: RCC Australia or VIC).

HF Emergency frequencies for all GMDSS DSC equipped (SOLAS) vessels: (MMSI 005030001)(2K80J3E)

4207.5 6312 8414.5
12577 16804.5  

HF Simplex working frequencies for Wiluna and Charleville
4146 6227 8294
12353 12358 16534

HF Duplex working channels - frequencies for Wiluna and Charleville
404 - 4366 / 4074 607 - 6519 / 6218 806 - 8734 / 8210
1226 - 13152 / 12305 1604 - 17251 / 16396 2212 - 22729 / 22033


National Coast Radio network - State-based voice net (non-DSC)

For non-SOLAS vessels (small craft <300 tonnes) without DSC the maritime authorities in the Australian States and the Northern Territory provide safety communications services.
This network (National Coast Radio Network) consists of HF voice-only stations covering the Australian coastline from stations at:
Cairns, Charleville, Darwin, Gladstone, Hobart, Perth, Port Hedland, and Wiluna.

National Coast Radio network voice frequencies used for distress and calling

4125 6215 8291 12290 (DAY)

Weather and navigation warnings 8176 (0555 UTC)

NSW, South Australia, and Victoria

Use the National Coast Radio network Distress & Calling frequencies & supplementary frequency

12290 (2130-0930z)

South Australia, Victoria and NSW broadcast from Charleville or Wiluna (the two ASMA broadcast sites).

Western Australia 

Distress & Calling - Coast radio Perth and Headland use the National Coast Radio network frequencies.


Coast radio Cairns & Gladstone H24 Distress & Calling use the National Coast Radio network frequencies.

Northern Territory

Coast radio Darwin H24 Distress & Calling uses the National Coast Radio network frequencies.


Coast radio Hobart H24 Distress & Calling uses the National Coast Radio network frequencies and the following frequency:

2524 Day Calling Only

Daily Skeds (initial announcements made on voice emergency frequencies):

TIMES : 0745, 1345, 1903 HRS
2524, 4146 & 6227 kHz
TIMES: 1633 2524, 4535, 4620 KHz

Local Maritime Safety Information 8176 kHz 1555 EST (0555 UTC) Daily


HF Weather Broadcasts

 Regular voice and fax weather broadcasts & nav /weather warnings are provided by the Bureau of Meteorology from the Wiluna (VMW) and Charleville (VMC) broadcast sites.

The voice network uses the frequencies (kHz) of:

Station Day (VMC 2100z - 0800z)*
Day (VMW 2300z - 1000z)*
Night (VMC 0800z - 2100z)*
Night (VMW 1000z - 2300z)*
VMC 4426, 8176, 12365, 16546 2201, 6507, 8176, 12365
VMW 4149, 8113, 12362, 16528 2056, 6230, 8113, 12362

* Does not include time offset for daylight savings.

VMC (Australia Weather East) broadcasts for the following areas:
Coastal Waters between Cape Don in the Northern Territory and Eucla in Western Australia, including all Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia zones.
High Seas for the Northern, North Eastern and South Eastern high seas areas

VMW (Australia Weather West) broadcasts for the following areas:
Coastal Waters between the South Australia - Victoria border and Torres Strait in Queensland including all South Australia, Western Australia and Northern Territory zones.
High Seas for the Northern, Western and South Eastern high seas areas.


Weather Fax broadcasts  (requires software)
(If using USB receiver tune 1.9 KHz below frequency for software to decode accurately)

Station Day (VMC 1900z - 0900z)*
Day (VMW 2100z - 1100z)*
24 hrs Night (VMC 0900z - 1900z)*
Night (VMW 1100z - 2100z)*
VMC 20469 5100, 11030, 13920 2628
VMW 18060 7535, 10555, 15615 5755

* Does not include time offset for daylight savings.

Modulation: FSK (F3C)
Emission code:
FSK Carrier:
1900 Hz
White +400 Hz, Black -400 Hz
Scan line frequency:
2 lines per second (120 lines per minute)
Scan line stability:
Within 5 parts in 1,000,000
Index of co-operation:
Scanning line density:
3.8 lines per millimetre (96 lines per inch)
Picture format:
Comprises start, phasing, picture and stop sequence as detailed below
Start signal:
Carrier modulated for 5 seconds by alternate Black and White at a rate of 300 Hz
Phasing signal:
60 scan lines, each scan line comprising White level for 25 milliseconds followed Black level for 475 milliseconds
Picture signal:
Line to start with 25 milliseconds White level, followed by one line of picture content uniformly occupying the remaining 475 milliseconds. This format to continue until entire picture content has been transmitted
Stop signal:
Carrier modulated for 5 seconds by alternate Black and White at a rate of 450 Hz, followed by 10 seconds of Black level
SSB Receiver tuning frequency:
(for a standard WMO facsimile decoder) 1.9 kHz below the published transmit frequencies
Tuning Tone:
Most charts are preceded by 60 seconds of 'tuning tone' (white signal) to allow receivers to automatically tune and capture the chart. The 'tuning tone' precedes the scheduled transmission time of a chart.
Some charts could not be preceded by 'tuning tone' as there is insufficient idle period preceding. To automatically capture these charts, set your receiver to wake up 2-3 minutes earlier and tune-in on the tail-end to the previous transmission.


DRM (Broadcast from Melbourne)

Freq: 5960 kHz
Mode: C/10 kHz
Data: 8.64 kb/sec






SailMail is a global group, with established stations worldwide. The Australian node is in NSW and uses Pactor, Pactor II, and Pactor III to provide HF email for registered users.

2824 4162 5085.8
6357 8442 8684.5
10476.2 12680 13513.8
14436.2 16908 18594

Vessel to Vessel Communications
Yachting & Pleasure Professional Fishing Commercial Vessels
2284 Khz 2112 Khz 2008 Khz
2524 Khz 2164 Khz 2032 Khz
4483 Khz 4535 Khz 2436 Khz
  4620 Khz 2635 Khz
    2638 Khz
    8364 Khz

Volunteer Coast Guard Stations 

Queensland Volunteer rescue stations (listed in order from south to north) indicating frequencies monitored.

Call sign Hours HF
Point Danger Marine Rescue (NSW) 24/7 2182, 2201,
2524, 4125
VMR Southport 24/7 2182, 2524, 4125, 4483
Coast Guard Southport 24/7 2182, 2524, 4125, 6215, 8291
VMR Jacobs Well 24/7 2112, 2182, 2201, 2524, 4125, 6215
VMR Victoria Point 0700–1700 w/e–p/h 2182
Coast Guard Brisbane (Manly) 0600–2200 Saturday
0600–1800 Sunday
4125, 6215, 8291
Coast Guard Redcliffe 0600–2100 Mon–Fri
0600 (Fri)–2100 (Sun)
2182, 2524, 4125
Coast Guard Mooloolaba 0600–2200 7 days
2200–0600 (night watch, 7 days)
2182, 2524
Coast Guard Tin Can Bay 0600–1800 7 days 2182, 2524, 4125
VMR Hervey Bay 0600–1800 7 days 2182, 2524
VMR Bundaberg 0700–1800 7 days 2182, 2524, 4125
VMR Round Hill 0630–1800 7 days 2182, 2524
VMR Gladstone 0630–1800 7 days 2182, 2524, 4125
Coast Guard Keppel Sands 0600–1800 Tues–Thurs 2182, 2524, 4125
Coast Guard Yeppoon 0600–1700 Fri–Mon 2182, 2524, 4125, 6215, 8291
VMR Mackay 0800–1800 7 days 4125, 6215
VMR Burdekin 0800–1700 w/e–p/h 2182, 2524, 4125
Coast Guard Townsville 0800–1700 Mon–Fri
0700–1900 w/e–p/h
4125, 4483
Coast Guard Ingham 0800–1700 w/e–p/h 2182, 4125
Coast Guard Tully 0800–1700 w/e–p/h 2182, 2524
Coast Guard Innisfail 0800–1700 w/e–p/h 2182, 4125
Coast Guard Cairns 0900–1800 Mon–Fri
0700–1800 w/e–p/h
Coast Guard Port Douglas 0900–1800 Sunday 2524


Sydney to Hobart 2014 

Coordinated via Kordia on  4483kHz and 6516kHz. VHF CH 16, 72, 73, 80 & 81.